Tuesday, May 7, 2013

M.I.A. for Mothers

(Mental Illness Awareness)

Many of you don’t know but millions of Americans (not to even put a number on people internationally) are living with the stress and hindrance of a mental health problem. 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and it's a chance to reflect on the people that usually fade into the background.  These are such important issues and we should all be aware.  Why?  Because it could happen to him, it could happen to her.  It could happen to you.  It did with me, and it came on so quick then took its precious time to leave. 

Sunday, May 12th, is the Fifth Annual Mother's Day Rally for Moms' Mental Health, featuring 24 letters (one letter every hour) from survivors of postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum OCD, depression after weaning and/or postpartum psychosis. (I had postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.)

The purpose of these letters are to inform and encourage pregnant women and new mothers who may be struggling with their emotional health. It also can serve the purpose of encouragement for the fathers, grandparents, and other loved ones that serve as a support system for this emotionally drained woman.

The Rally is hosted by Postpartum Progress,  the most widely-read blog in the world on postpartum mood disorders, which are all related to pregnancy and childbirth. You'll have to click that link on Sunday to read my letter.

My letter, entitled “To the Mother Who Never Knew” will be featured at 6:00 pm this Sunday, the 12th.  I hope you all read it because it’s special to me as it happened to me and it changed my life forever.  I know that ALL the letters will be touching to those who may want to read them as well. 

Also, as a writer, this will be my first published work, which is a dream come true.  While I don’t participate in Mother’s Day, this rally coincides with Mental Illness Awareness Month and benefits all the mothers that suffered in silence.  And I support those that are brave enough to share their stories.

Hugs and Hi-Fives,
Miss Moody Mommy


  1. Oh my Alison, Im so proud of you.I applaud your couragousness as if that is a word. As a mom with bad chemicals in the brain that like to show off at the most "appropriate" times, I certainly appreciate you. You speak for so many of us, and I'm proud to have you as one of my homies. Love you always Erica Boone

    1. Thanks so much Erica. I would never have thought I'd be the spokesperson for mental illness, but I'm glad that I am. I'm glad that I had this experience because it indeed changed my life and made me a stronger person in so many ways it's really impressive. I've become a better person. So, I'll take one for the team.

  2. Hi Alison! Loved your letter from yesterday. I also had PPP after the birth of my first child. I had a prior diagnosis though, and had failed to prepare for what could happen after the baby arrived. But hindsight is always 20/20. Just wanted to say thank you for your letter. It's helping more people than you know. Looking forward to reading more of your writing via your blog.

    1. Jenn, so sorry that I didn;t respond until a month later. I'm so busy with working on a memoir for PPP, that my blog has been neglected. I thank you so much for your comments and I'm glad you enjoyed my letter. It's nice to have a fellow sister out there, because I have yet to meet someone in person who had PPP. I know they are out there, but one day I'll meet someone in person. I wish you and your family the best and hope you will be able to to read more from me and also when my book is complete I hope that the book truly is what encourages women with PPP to know that they aren't alone. That is my biggest goal. To let them know we are here together. Thanks again.


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